Hasn't MOVE - On ?

Loving unconditionally could be the greatest thing we can do in life.
We will  not be able to move on if  our thoughts are still deeply rooted
in our hearts.

The only way to move on is to free ourself from any thoughts from  someone
and hopes of having them in our life again.

Many of us think when we fall in love it will be forever.
Sometimes we ask so many questions and wish for so many things, when
the only thing that important is for us to accept the fact that not all relationships
are meant to last.

The people who leave us are those who are "happy living their lives on their own"
Those who stay are the one who are happier  sharing their lives with us., and they
are ones worth sacrificing for, they are the ones who would make every single
day "worth looking forward to"...

When a relationship ends, it is meant to teach valuable lesson, we should use in life.
The relationship that survives the TEST of LOVE is the one that would wipe away
our tears and will erase ALL HATRED and Bitter memories of the past.
It is the one that is truly meant for us and the one that we couldkeep and nurture
for the rest of our LIVES. =)

