This is particularly written and posted thru FB last  September 4, 2009 for a friend..
as she's been helplessly trapped between goodbye and iloveyou.. after series of session and chat conversation
she end up breaking up with the old one and now almost a year and 3 mos with the new guy, =)
Happy for her thou... =)

I have proven so many times that one of the most conclusive ways in putting a relationship to the test is to introduce a third party. This party would always come into the picture and try to disturb the balance of a seemingly healthy relationship. This has a two edged sword that may either destroy or make a stronger relationship. The new one may have stole the scene from the old one but just because he treats you well now doesn't mean that he's the man who would truly make you happy.

You really are in a tough situation. What makes you confused is the fact that you still love the old one. Had this feeling been gone already, you would have found it easier to fall for the new one. But, it is still there and you have to be very careful in making a choice.

Remember, you also started your relationship with the old one just like in a fairy tale. But, the success of a relationship lies not only in the beauty of it's beginning but in it's consistency. We all change and sometimes we change to destroy the very relationships that we are trying to hold dearly in our hearts.

My dear don't rush yourself into making a choice. You are not buying a grocery item that you can just return when you're dissatisfied. You are getting into a new relationship when you have just barely gotten out of the old one. Unless you are absolutely sure that you are over and willing to end up with the old one, then, do not commit yourself to anyone for you know it will be unfair to both you and that person.


Give them both the chance to prove their worth and give yourself a little more time to think. When you are finally able to stand on your own without looking back then that's the time to choose. Make a choice not on impulse but a decision based on a healthy balance of mind and heart.

let us always remember that happiness is not a matter of destiny but a matter of choice.
