"Fear of the Unknown"

                                " Fear of the Unknown"


It is often difficult for someone as young as they are faced with the challenge of Marriage.
Women normally go through the stage where the fear of the unexpected sends them gasping for breath.

Yes Marriage is not as easy as it my seems., walking down the aisle for the first time may seem like the most wonderful experience in the world, but the truth of the matter is Marriage doesnt just end with that "walk down the aisle,vows and exchange of I  DO's ".

Marriage is a constant struggle to strike balance between FALLING OUT OF IT, and STAYING "IN IT". People who truly love each other are secure about their roles in each other lives, and are confident about the outcome of their relationship.


If you are bounded by the fear of the things that could happen then maybe just not ready for marriage yet.Need not to rush for lifelong commitment. There will always be a time for people  who are truly meant for eahc other. What is important is that your love for each other and the COMMITMENT to nurture that love and making it grow.

Marriage doesnt guarantee permanence,  it just gives two people more chances of discovering how important they are for each other and why choosing to stay togther and love each othwe are more important than anything else in this world.

The only time we can say that we are ready for love is when we are ready to take risk of getting hurt by it.
There can never be a perfect partner but there will always be a perfect time.. to take the risk of getting hurt by LOVE.

Keep the love alive.. enjoy life..! until the day when fear no longer HOLDS back .. until the day you courageously decide to Marry the person you would choose to spend your life.. FOREVER with....
