written: December 20 2006
weather : Almost Christmas..

There are times when love calls us to stand for something we believe in, despite of all the things that are against it. The call of love is a call to courage and determination.

Sometimes it even calls for a choice between two things, who to choose and who to turn our backs on, depends  how much we are willing to risk.

If falling in love with a guy not with the same age is wrong.. then life is UNJUST.. True love doesnt look at the world like there is a heaven and  earth. All is just fair and no one should be above or below anybody else. Everyone is equal., That's how love looks at things.

It is sad that many of us carry a measuring cup and judge people by what "they dont have" and who they are not, rather than what they can actually become.

We all have reasons for our rules in LOVE and RELATIONSHIP. We all have to respect that... But at the end of the day, it will still be ourselves who will make decision on who to choose...

LOVE SHOULD NEVER BE A CHOICE MADE BY OTHER FOR US - A relationship is something that we should be willingly getting "INTO" or "getting OUT" of,it is true that there will always be a risk when we make our own decisions.. but it is all part of life.. Those who enjoy life are those who are not afraid to take risk, those who succeed are those who make their own decisions and responsibly stand by them.

LOVE is choice and no one that only us can make..! We all have to ask ourselves.. if we are ready for another step. If we are not, then it simply means that we are not prepared to love, because those who find lasting happiness, are not those who FEAR the CONSEQUENCES of loving a person... BUT THOSE who bravely face the challenge  of that LOVE...
