"Between Love & Responsibilty....a realization"

written : march 22, 2007
Summer : *** a revelation****

There comes a time when the only way to love a person is not to love him at all. He sacrificed his own happiness for the sake of his responsibility which he owed his family. It's his commitment "outweighed" his commitment to the relationship and as many would say "true love will always have a away of working it's way back. no matter how long it has gone or how fare it has been."

The love still there, and it's easy form me then to blame him for leaving me, but i know that at the back of my mind he had his reasons and i'd like to think that his reason are NOBLE. He had sacrifice his own happiness for his children that bears his name. That meant making a DECISION, could probably not look back.

But when paths crossed again, communication became "open" we both saw what we missed.Marriage doesn't have any room for a second love... i keep on thinking that way. I felt and i know that i still have that "place" in his heart but perhaps not ' In HIS LIFE NOW". and that is the sad fact. And no matter how much love there is left in our hearts, i will now have to be bounded by reason and principle. As I can't anymore afford to live the kind of life I had... I can't afford to go throught the same pain again... I can't take him away from his kids...

TRUE, not all fairy tales have happy endings, I HAVE MOVED ON .. and this brief encounter with a lost love should not keep me from going....A realization... that i may have a "HOME" forever in his heart, but i should keep myself from breaking his real home again. He belongs to someone else and i should accept that...

I'd like to believe that no matter how long we have waited and failed, there will always be someone out there who will love us just the way we wanted to be love, There's is someone out there whom we can walk with.. and share our joys with.. There is someone meant for us.,all we have to is believe that there is... and give ourselves the chance to find it...
