When we feel that we LOVE someone so much we prepare ourselves in making that relationship complete by walking down the aisle with that person in "Marriage"..

But the truth of the matter is spending the rest of our life living with our spouse is a totally different story.This is the part of the marriage where vows we've made
                                                                  >>>  to love each other
                                                                             for richer or for poorer
                                                                            in sickness and health
                                                                             'TIL DEATH DO US PART

are put to final test.

Many Marriages lose their romance after only few years , what used to be such an ideal relationship suddenly becomes stressed out by factors beyond our control and staying up on our feet to do these,takes a lot of patience, perseverance and unselfish effort. There are times when couples would fight over the pettiest of things.

During these exchanges of verbal punches, our supressed feelings of anger and feelings of being misunderstood , taken for granted and being blamed for everything can make us utterly bitter and in one short instance, lose our love for our spouse.

This is the point where we want to GIVE UP! and leave...

But there will always be a trade off, if we decide to leave and move on we would lose both ways...If we stay, we'd be miserable.. BUT if we GO.. we will eventually become miserable as well. This is the best time to make things that makes us feel bad work to our advantage.

If we leave , we would be proud wife/husband but would end up a regretful mother/father. Yes there are times when we have to give up a lot but the rewards of our sacrifices would give us joy beyond compare.

God will always open a window for grief to breathe out and a fresh air of hope to breeze in.
No marriage that it cannot find happiness... there is no HUSBAND so UNFAITHFUL that he cannot change.
There is no wife so nagging that she cannot tone down.

There is no relationship so SICK that it cannot recover and get well.

When we are just about to raise  our hands .. let us surrender not to people around us but to GOD who is in control. He is the only one who can breathe life to a dying relationship.

He is the only ONE who gives us a new beginning...



A NEW LIFE...... 



  1. i feel ur agony while im reading this blog... but i was relieved in the end coz i feel that there was a great chance in rebuilding new relationship A LOVE THAT WILL LAST FOREVER.. WE ALL HAVE PEACE & SERENITY IN THE ARMS OF OUR GOD ALMIGHTY...


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