Lost & Found (when i lost my marriage, I began to find myself)

WHEN I lost my marriage i began to find myself - it changed my pain ito my biggest strength!

They say when you can finally talk about something then the wound was "healed" over and only a scar remains.

After my separation , i've learned who my real friends are, that's one of the first thing we take for granted when we get married. when you have a partner who fills your entire day who you spend all your time, of which you can run to for all the support you could ever need., why would you still reach out?!....

But with all that happens, i've found so many loving hands waiting to hold my hand and even carry me if i couldn't take another step.

I have always been a courageous person, of course i have my weak moments and i was grieving over lost love for the first few months and that i really needed the support of my family and friends just to get throu the day.They were there for me and for that I will always be grateful. I could run away from my life and fill up the vacuum that my ex-husband have left. Besides I was never the type to wallow in self pity.

I told myself "i'll do what I have to do , i'll do it today  and I'll do it well."
The Pain would always be there.and I did give myself permission to lick my wounds as long as it took, but neither did i allow myself to sit and just wait until i healed...
Everytime i feel the urge to falter, i gain courage from my children. they are soo smart, soo strong and so independent.. of course i know that they too are going through a tough time. It seems they've lost their father and i know that they are missing him and even if i can't  understand what that feels.. may because Dad never leave us, BUT they're survivors....

It's funny because my friends say that they are OK because I'M OK!... BUT from my point of view I'M OKAY because THEY ARE there..!

Maybe that what's "feeling safe" really means. not "over protectiveness" or over possessiveness, but borrowing strength from each other, just by knowing you're together.

There are no clear cut solutions, no simple answers.but children are very resilient..! they are stronger and wiser than we give them credit for.. or even more than we or they can ever know.

Another realization came, is that : Even if there's no one to take care of you  or especially if there's no one to take care.. You need to take care of yourself ! true , I Lost my MARRIAGE but i didn't LOSE my LIFE ..!!! 

 didn't wither away... I didn't GIVE UP.. In my pain... I found STRENGTH

Because life must go on.. and on... and on...   

No regrets but only lesson learned.

written August 2008
