"The Thorns in it "

Sometimes God breaks our spirit to save our soul. He breaks our heart to make us whole,sometimes he even sends us pain so we can be stronger. He send us failure so we can be humble. He send us i'llness so that we take better care of ourselves.

God puts all relationships to the test. This is the only way to strengthen its foundations so that it may stand strong when the next strong wind blows.

Anyone who has gone through the agony and pain still wish against all odds that circumstance we're different, but sometimes No amount of hope can bring back to life a relationship that just seems died a natural death.

Love can be very treacherous. After denying ourselves of so many things and after standing up for what we feel is right, true.. love can fade without any warning and leave us hurting, wondering where we have gone wrong..but sometimes we just have to stop asking why ..but simply accept that there are things we do not have a control over... because there are relationship that takes sudden turn , simly because they are not meant for each other.

We can never  own the people that we love.. we just have to love them and ensure them that we will always be there to catch them when they fall..

Women can be persevering and kind but there will also be limit for what we can bare.

The greatest challenge to a relationship,comes when someone gets into the picture and  steals the scene Our challenge is how to keep our relationship alive and how to keep our heart from dying inside.

There is nothing wrong in loving someone. You may be able to bear the pain when love begins to hurt. And when it hurts, you may still be able to give even more.You may be able to love until it hurts no more. But what good does it bring you when the person you love shows NO RESPECT for what you feel and makes LAME excuses for his inability to love you in the same way that you wanted him to.

Love isn’t love until we give it away, but love will only have life when it is shared by two people who believe in it’s meaning,by people who share one goal, one commitment and by people who are selflessly loyal to each other.

God’s way aren’t always easy and painless. Some are meant to open our eyes to what we do not see.Some are meant to make us realize what we stubbornly refuse to understand.But all of them will always be meant to MAke US STRONGER AND BETTER PERSON. We just have to TRUST HIM on that…

If we will always allow our relationship to be threatened by someone who can offer us something better then all of us would be MISERABLE because there will always be someone better It eventually becomes a matter of CONTENTMENT. Let us try to make our RELATIONSHIP WORK even if a times we lose our interest in it.

We should all remember that being BLESSED is not always about finding someone new to LOVE but being BEING ABLE TO CONTINUE TO LOVE SOMEONE WHOM WE HAVE ALWAYS HAD AND NURTURING THAT LOVE EVERY SINGLE DAY OF OUR LIVES.

True,it may rain for forty days and forty nights, but it will not rain forever. One day, the pouring will stop and there will be plenty of branches where we can find rest. One of these is where you will build your nest and start over again. It's never too late, Remember, we may find love and lose it but when love dies, you never have to die with it.

Healing should begin in our heart.Acceptance is the first step to recovery.Once we have learned to understand "where it ends", then it is the only time we will learn how to move on with life without having to stop everytime we are reminded of the bitterness of the past…
