Goodbye 2016 ... Note to 2017

*Bid 2016 goodbye ... note to 2017

Dear 2016,

Thank you for all the good memories and learnings,
Thank you for making me have faith and believe in LOVE again.

My dear 2017 - i have no idea what installed of me but just like the past years of my life I am confident that I am again ready to take that leap of faith and you will look after me as always.
I may not have all the answers right now or if I’m not where I want to be. But this time I will let life take its course instead of trying to steer the wheel in another direction.
I’m taking the wisdom I got from all of my mistakes; the wisdom that taught me that mistakes often happen because we are forcing something that is not meant for us and we are trying to get something we probably shouldn’t have.
And may I just borrow few words from LANG LEAV and share ... 

I wish.....

"To live as authentically as I know how.
To allow the tips of my fingers to skirt the darkness, as long as I remember to keep my eyes fixed on the light. And as one door closes and another one opens , I will move forward with the knowledge that unlike so many others, I have another year ahead of me- another shot of making it all the way around the sun.
And chance to make it right this time around!."

Let's trust the gift of New Beginning.

With so much love,
R E D Z ðŸ‘’👙🕶💄
